
Price Tag

A pop star released a song last year that said, “I just want to make the world dance, forget about the price tag.”
There are a lot of popular radio songs that play on Bangla Road that have really caused me to stop and think about the lyrics.
Well…because these women currently have price tags.
 We constantly have to say “Mai Ow Ka” (no thank you) to the people on the street that are shoving “Ping Pong Show” fliers in our faces that list prices & photos of these women’s services.
It’s so hard to hear our friends say, “I do this because I need to make money. I need to support my family.”

But you know what these women don’t know?— A price was paid a long time ago for their freedom by someone.
1 Corinthians 6:20 says, “God bought you with a high price. Therefore honor God with your body.”
The price was his life.
Jesus came and died because these women are that worth it to Him.
And you were that worth it to him.
So If I only got to share that good news with one girl during this entire trip, then it would all be worth it.

And may the only price paid for these women be the that one.

(Pictured above left to right-Picture one: Me, View, Palm/ Picture two: Amber, Saraw, Deuan, Noi, & I)

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