
The Joy That Is Coming

Soi Cowboy Red Light District  

Salvation was born out of the darkest pain the world has ever seen, the death of my savior, Jesus.  This is hope for humanity, our greatest joy forged out of the darkest pain. The world tries to tell me otherwise, with campaigns that feed my soul the lie that pain will ruin me. That once I’m broken, I can’t be used; but if I run from the pain and brokenness of the world, I will miss the ever-present joy of the Father’s redemption.  This joy is one that I have learned on my knees, face-to-face with the reality of this broken world, face-to-face with the redemption found in Jesus.   

Choosing to believe that the way an ancient prophet from the near east saw reality, is still changing the way I see redemption.

As I sat across from my new friend Jo who has a horrific story of abuse, pain, and neglect, I let the tears flow, raw and vulnerable as my heart is burdened with the love Jesus has for us both. 

“I believe that when we are courageous enough to be vulnerable, we encourage others to find the intimacy and freedom that comes only through being known and loved.”  -Bethany Haley Williams 

This is part of the undoing that happens when you give your life to Jesus. It’s messier this way I think, embracing the business of knowing who I serve. I care about real people not just stories, not just hypothetical situations half a world away; and it’s worth it every time I see the pieces of redemption in the lives of the women here. Seeing Jesus transform the lives of women through community, opportunity, and freedom is always worth spending my life for.     

It doesn’t surprise me that the women love their home at Samaritans Creations. Here they’re listened to and pointed to the grace and healing found in Jesus. Being surrounded by these beautiful women who know that the pain that they have felt can’t compare to the joy that is coming and in the midst of that, Jesus molds them into beautiful creation. They believe they are cherished not just by the group of smiling Americans eager to breathe life into them, but by a Father who never fails.

The truth is we are all just longing for a safe place to tell our story, for a place to belong. There is no pain Jesus cannot restore, nothing He cannot redeem.   If healing doesn’t mean the pain never existed, but no longer has control over our lives…then what pain do you need Jesus to turn to joy for you today? 



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