
Warrior Princess

I know I have done my blogging for today, but something just happened that sent chills down my spine, tears to my eyes and gave me more encouragement than I cant even form into words.  As we all were getting ready for our bar ministry today, there was a knock on the door and a team member from the World Race that just arrived last night walked in.

Since we have been here, one of our lessons forced has been that God WILL speak to you. Through words, dreams, visions, others or songs He is speaking to you. At first, we were all apprehensive when we began to slowly hear His voice, see His visions and understand that God of the universe is actually speaking to us. But now, it has become second nature. Conversations are regular.

So, anyway, Nikki the racer came in and said this is the first time she has seen a vision for not only a stranger, but a group of strangers. After gathering courage, she shared with us that last night, her first night, she had a vision about our group during worship and this is what it was:

God was putting on his armor. He was putting it on for US, all seven of us. He looks at us not only as warrior princesses, but His princesses for that matter. We are going to be used for big things and she said it was evident in all of what He was saying and after she looked at us she knew that our mark will be left in this place. She also said that four things were said about us and about women in the world:

1.) YOU are a daughter of the King
2.) YOU are made in Christ's image
3.) YOU are a POWERFUL woman of God
4.) YOU deserved to be LOVED and RESPECTED.

As I sat here and wiped the tears that were running down my face, I could not help but smile. Smile as I was again filled with the love of the Lord and smile because I am not fighting alone. I have my army, my team's army, and GOD'S army on my side. We will make our mark.

The past few days, I have really been hit hard with thoughts of my eating disorder. In working with such a vulnerable group of women, Satan has began attacking me through the thoughts I experienced during that time last year. Through prayer, encouragement, and the reinforcement that tonight brings, Satan has NO power over me. Satan will not beat me and Satan will NOT continue to have his hold on this place. The light is coming. We will bring it. God is USING seven simple and beautiful women, alongside other teams to bring His love. And he spoke it to a complete stranger who had the courage to share it. I'll be in God's army any day.

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