
And We’re off!

The self examination continues. Its hard. Its messy. Its not the easy thing to do. But how can i tell others about the love of Jesus when i myself cannot feel him in my own life?
We spent the evening encouraging our fellow teammates. God showed us what the person needed to hear and we just spoke and He did some amazing things. My team leader told me that I dont need to fight anymore and that God was holding me in his arms. That was just what i needed to hear. I can cry and its ok. I dont have to be strong at all times. I can be broken. Its weird. These past few days i have cried more then i can ever remember. I've spent the past year praying for tears. Praying that God would break my heart. And he has. I dont generally like tears. Not too many people do. I guess I brought this upon myself. P.S. Be careful what you pray for. It just might come true.

Ok so today all of the team leaders role played being a part of one tribe and we had to build relationships with them. They spoke a weird language. Had completely different norms. And we were supposed to minister to them. We got to experience a small fraction of what it is going to be like out there. The language barrier is going to be so hard. The fact that we are complete strangers will be hard. All in all its going to be difficult. The easiest thing to do is nothing. But if im going to make a change, if i am going to touch someones life, its going to get messy. Anything that is worth something is going to have its challenges. I need to ask myself how deeply am i going to invest in the people that i meet? How much of my heart will i leave with them? In order to do what i want to accomplish I have to be willing to put myself out there. Step out of my comfort zone and just do it. Nike.

I love my team and i am so blessed to be able to spend the next four months with this awesome group of ladies. I cant wait to get to know them even better!

~The Bible is not the basis of missions; missions is the basis of the Bible…The stories in the Bible are great, but the story of the Bible is even more important. -Ralph Winter~

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