
Hell’s Enticing Gates


Bangla Road. Everyone here at S.H.E. refers to it as hell on earth and I wasnt sure what they meant until i too experienced a night out on the town. Before going out to minister to the women who work in the bars on bangla road we spend sometime in worship, had we not of done this the enemy would have walked all over us.

Satan attacks us by making sin look enticing… He makes it look fun, pretty, fullfilling, and worth your time. By doing all of this he makes it so much easier to walk straight towards his mangy gates. Bangla road is a bright, loud, crowded, cheap, and a crazy sexual street. For tourists and people there just enjoying the girls they dont see the pain behind every one of their eyes. They dont see the lack of self worth that each women processes. They dont see how evil is creeping all around them and the darkness is overpowering them.

For us as Followers of Christ walking in, we see hurt and lost souls. We see girls literally trapped in glass cages above the streets dancing and broken hearted young women primiscuoulsly moving their bodies on a pole hoping that someone will love them for it, not knowing that the only way to attain the fullfillment they are longing for is through our sweet Jesus. No one has ever told them the truth. You feel an overwelming presense of the enemy and in order to even make it through a moment on Bangla road you MUST BE in constant prayer. After each bar we went to we had to stop in the street and pray right there that God would kick satan out and let him know he has absolutely no place near any of us!

The women are so beautiful. They have gorgeous hearts when you get to know them and they truly are Gods wonderful children, His baby girls. When we go into the bars we carry the dwelling presense of the Holy Spirit and everyone out there can see it! Jesus lights up the streets through us… Already after a couple times going out, there is a difference! We hugged women that havent been genuinely hugged with out being groped. We talked to them about their families, which no one has done for them before. We loved them just as Christ first loved us, expecting absolutely nothing in return. GOD REIGNS AND THESE ARE HIS CHILDREN! TAKE THEM BACK OH LORD, FOR YOU HAVE ALREADY WON!

"Even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."