Tomorrow night is the last night I will walk down Bangla road and watch, with my own eyes, the love of God pour over that place. I'm not sure how i feel or what to think. Before I started this Journey it didn't occur to me that I might become friends with some of the girls i would meet. It didn't occur to me that I might fall in love with these people. I never thought they would become my sisters.
It never crossed my mind that even thinking about leaving this place would literally break my heart.
But when the Father touches a place, he freakin' blows it up with his love and mercy.
Within the past week my Jesus has made himself known in the hearts of my beloved Thai sisters.
Monday our friend For* came with us to visit SHE, which is the ministry we are working with. They help girls who want to leave the bars find jobs in hotels, teach them english, and offer them work here at SHE. Our friend told us she wanted to leave. Also, that she hated working in the bars but she needed to save money for another month and then maybe she will come work here.
Then the next night we went down to Bangla. We went to the bar she works at and she wasn't there. We talked to another friend of ours mid* who told us, "For* couldn't come to work tonight. She was sad. She hates working here and doesn't want to work here anymore."
So i thought okay God what does this mean and he said, "Just you wait."
Last thursday we went out again and this time For* was there. She was saying hi and was shying away from talking to me.
I called her name and she looked at me, tears streaming down her face. She said, "Please don't leave. I miss you little sister. I love you. I'm so sad." She went on and on
about how she hated her job and wants to leave.
My Jesus is showing her the truth about where she is.
She is showing her she deserves SO much better.
He has poured his love onto her. She knows she has options. She knows she is loved.
He is showing her HE will provide for her and her family. HE will protect her. HE will be all she needs.
I have been struggling with leaving.. I don't know how to leave my sisters. I don't know how to say goodbye.
But Jesus spoke directly to my heart with this song:
Give Me Faith
Elevation Worship
Give me faith, to trust what you say
That you're good and your love is great
I'm broken inside, I give you my life
I may be weak but your spirits strong in me
My flesh may fail but my God you never will
My sweet Daddy IS NOT LEAVING BANGLA. He will always be with my sisters. Drawing them to himself. He will continue to love them. He will protect them.
His faithfulness is CRAZY.
Thank you Daddy for the plan you have for my sweet sisters. I know they will call you Daddy some day.