
Small Victories

            On Sunday we had the chance to go to a Thai Church. I didn’t know if we would be able to go to a church while we are here because only .7% of Thailand is Christian. What are the chances there is a church in Phuket? Well there is, and it was awesome!! They started off by singing Desert Song and everyone in the room rose to their feet hands lifted to praise God. While we have been here, we have been told that to be Thai is to be Buddhist. It was so encouraging to be at a Church in Thailand where they are so proud to be Thai and that means they are Buddhist.


            There are these boxes on Bangla Road that hang just out of reach with girls dancing in them on poles while below there is a crowd of ogling eyes and cameras watching. We have been praying for the boxes to be emptied in Jesus name!! As we walked onto Bangla Road last night the first thing we saw was that God had emptied the first glass box!


            Last night we got to get our friend Ale’s number. We have a date on Wednesday to have lunch with her. We will now get the chance to sit one on one and talk to her uninterrupted by guys or her having to go dance on the bar.


            During a conversation with some girls at the bar I got to bring up the name of Jesus. While we were playing jinga I noticed that Oy was wearing a necklace with Buddha on it and I was wearing my cross necklace.  I asked her about her necklace and she proudly responded that it was Buddha and that she was Buddhist. I held my necklace out to her and asked if she knew what my necklace meant. She looked at me confused (she didn’t speak English very well). I said it the cross of Jesus. Do you know who Jesus is and something happened with the game and our conversation wasn’t able to be finished BUT I got to mention His name.  A door was opened!


            I know that for me it is easy to overlook the small victories to get discourage because you don’t see people running to God. God is at work in this place and on Bangla road. I have to count the small victories everyday. Thank you God for the small victories! Help me to count my blessing each and everyday!! 

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