
You Da Boss

I was sitting in worship one night before going out into bar ministry and this is what HE told me….

Take both of your hands and put them up, in front of your face. When you look at them, you will notice that everything behind them is blurry. I was sitting there doing this and Jesus told me to only worry about the things that he placed right in front of me. Everything else was blurry to me for a reason but it is okay because he can see the big picture.

I am not in control! The world is not in control! GOD IS IN CONTROL. I am done living my life thinking I am the driver. I have been learning what it means to surrender to him and there is so much FREEDOM in doing so. When you let go and let God work, he molds you and shapes you into the person that HE has planned for you to be. I have started to see fruit in my relationships with my teammates, Thai friends, friends, family, and most importantly God. All I have to do is be willing, press into him, and he will do the rest.

One thing that I have in common with the bar girls is that we both have a “boss”. Their boss mistreats them, takes advantage of them, and uses them. My boss is loving, gracious, compassionate, and the list goes on and on. These girls are tricked into thinking this is the life they are suppose to be living and most of them would tell you that they don’t want to be in the bars every night or spending time with customers. It is easy to get discouraged while ministering to these girls because it seems like there is nothing I can do to get them out. Which is true, there is nothing that I can do but it is what God can do. I am called to show them God’s love, to bring the light to them. Loving on the girls and seeing their smiles is such a blessing.

God is in bars!

Those are his people!

He loves them!

He is working in them!

There is freedom on those streets!

He already won the battle!

Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support! Please continue to keeps us in your prayers as we continue to share God’s love! 

“In their hearts humans plan their course,but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

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