
Do you truly know them all?

Growing up I’ve always learned about the trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- we’ve learned about it over and over again in church but have you really experienced all three? I thought I have, but let me tell you, I have not. The Holy Spirit and all it entails means so much more than just praying. Ive learned how dynamic the Holy Spirit is and how real it is in the past month or so; we have been reading through John and Proverbs together and I love the way John describes the Holy Spirit, he says:

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you…But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative-that is, the Holy Spirit-he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you” (John 14:16-17:26). The Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit into the world so that God can be with you. He is always with you-I’ve learned that you can’t escape the Holy Spirit, He is like a pocket sized therapist who wont go away, whether you’re feeling hopeless, empty, heavy, sick, hatred, disappointed, disturbed, overwhelmed, incandescently happy, loving, thoughtful, peaceful, he will be there. You may not always feel his presence but he resides in you, he is there!

I still don’t think I fully understood how powerful the Holy Spirit is, err I know I still don’t fully understand how powerful the Holy Spirit is! I’ve felt feelings I didn’t even know I could feel, good and bad, and I still felt Gods presence in those light and dark moments. I’ve felt like I was on cloud 9 and things couldn’t get any better and in contrast felt as low as I’ve felt in a long long while and not even knowing why, felt so lost and confused yet still felt the presence of the Holy Spirit within me (which confused me even more) all within a week let me add!

Let me elaborate:

I’ve never really allowed myself the proper amount of time to really get to know my God, He knew me but I’ve never really dug into him and who he is- our relationship was one sided. I was so thirsty for Him and knowing that for 2 or so years made me even more thirsty for Christ, so when I finally decided to set aside time for him and cracked opened the door for him to enter into my heart-the floodgates opened! More than anything He has showed me how blessed I truly am, the people he has surrounded me with back home are more than I could ever ask for.

On the flip side:

The enemy wasn’t suuuper thrilled with my new found faith so he planned an intervention. He hit me from the front and the back and just to make sure I was down for the count he gave me a couple physical pains just to make sure I would fall. Even while feeling so low, I still felt God’s presence. I then realized I had prayed for God to test my cloud 9 faith, so He was in on the whole intervention! Which gave me a new found freedom because it made me recognize that no matter how low I got I still had God on my side and in the end that means I already defeated the enemy because God is bigger than any physical pain or any low I’ve ever had- I will ALWAYS be on the winning team against the enemy (and I like to win), within just hours my anxiety, anger, frustration, and physical pain gradually decreased, but the cool part is my love, admiration, interest, respect, and fear for the Lord increased leaving me once again on the winning team!

The Holy Spirit is so awesome, I’m stoked to finally get to know the Father, the Son AND the Holy Spirit. I would recommend getting to know Him, he’s pretty cool.


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