I dare you to be a wimp

Anyone that knows me can tell you that I am not one to show emotions and that I tend to be a loner. I have a response for every comment or question, except for the ones that require me to use my own emotions. In everything from interacting with my team to reading a book, God has revealed to me that this tendency of mine is nothing more than pure stupidity and arrogance, coming from the Enemy and not from my God that loves me so deeply. This idea began to truly sink into my thick skull while I was reading Trauma: The Pain That Stays by Robert Hicks. At one point in the book, Hicks states: “To...

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For Real Jesus?

Was Jesus serious? It seems today that a lot of people don’t think He was actually speaking the truth, and it shows in the way we live.   Do I believe Jesus wants me to literally feed the poor or really love my enemy? Am I living like I am here to bring the Kingdom of heaven to the earth now, and not just waiting around for the life to come?  On Earth as it is in Heaven?   Jesus definitely referenced heaven a lot, but He also lived like someone who is fully invested in the right here and right now of His people.  He continually allowed others to interrupt Him with their...

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My New Culture Won’t Fade

Note: I wrote this last week, and now have the chance to post… When you move to another country typically you pick up some of the cultural norms. Here’s a few things I’ve picked up on here in Thailand: I bow all the time. Examples: when I greet someone, when I say “Thank you,” when I say "excuse me" to get around someone, when I pass through a group of people, etc. I don’t stand in lines. I stay in the bunch of Thai locals to get to the cash register, and inch my way closer to get my turn. I sometimes say “ka” instead of “yes”...

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breaking tradition

One week of ministry left. Less than two weeks until I am back in Michigan. (bittersweet)   2 months ago, I would have told you that I was ready to leave Thailand at a moments notice, but do I still feel that way? 2 months ago, I wanted to leave because it was hard to live here.  Life was uncomfortable and difficult.  giving things up on a daily basis.  uncomfortable and difficult. pushing to get out of my crap.  uncomfortable and difficult. constantly serving others.  uncomfortable and difficult. striving to be the woman that God has called me to be. ...

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Telling Jesus “No” Doesn’t Work

In my last blog I said it was the end of the rainy season, which means there shouldn’t be any rain, right? Monday a few of us were visiting a friend in her shop on Bangla Road while prayer walking when it started pouring rain. Our friend was so surprised, “Rainy season is over. I don’t know why it is raining.” But we know why it was raining. We asked for it. When it rains on Bangla Road the streets clear, and fewer people come to the bars from their hotels… We, mostly Gloriel, have been praying that it would start raining before we leave for bar ministry and...

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I’m ready.

When we first got here in September, probably like 2 weeks into our trip, I had a vision. I saw the face of a cat, a road and the number 9. I had no idea what any of this meant and God definitely had no plans of revealing it to me anytime soon after. I told my teammates and they tried to decipher it as well. Even with all of us asking the Lord, no one had a clue to why He showed me those things. Fast forward to Tuesday night – November 20. Autumn, Allison and I were walking towards Bangla road and there was THE cat from my vision. Staring right at me. It was a black cat and since it was...

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