
5 things I never thought about before leaving

1.the public bathrooms in a foreign country: can I flush the toilet paper? Will they provide toilet paper and soap? Answer: no. instead: some places have hoses to clean yourself with! Interesting experience… Or you use a squatty potty for a cleaner release lol or you just throw the tp away. needles to say, my first experience in a public bathroom scared the poop out of me (sorry, pun intended 🙂 )
2.being a person of minority in a foreign country: we’re famous! We get honked at all the time. Especially when there’s an entire truck full of farong (foreigners). It’s funny. It was a really fun truck ride from the airport to the bus stop.
3. Food preservation in a foreign country: yes they do have tupperware and such. They also have ants though! Tons and tons and tons of ants. If you spill anything, they’ll be there in a second! So many, that they could carry you off too. Ok, that might be an exaggeration (maybe) but sometimes they end up in your food and drinks. You know what? A little extra protein might be helpful here: drink away my friends! Just don’t look 🙂
4. Markets in a foreign country: oh look! Meatballs! But of what meat? Whole chicken blended together? Bring it. Lol jk, they were weird. I think I’d be more comfortable eating the crickets in the stand next door…
5. sharing a new experience in a foreign country: I can’t even imagine doing this with a better group of people. All of these girls are so in love with Christ and it’s so inspirational. I’m glad that I get to spend these two months with such lovely women. I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world.

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