
A whole new world

Sometimes we think the only world that matters is the one we have always known. Maybe there is more to life than just what is comfortable. I am going to challenge myself to push my comfort zone and see the world through the eyes of its creator.

First and foremost we have arrived in Thailand safe and sound. The crew (my amazing team of girls) is doing fantastic and we are coming together as a family. Plus Thailand is absolutely gorgeous!

Ministry starts next week and I cannot wait to pour into the people here in Thailand. The craziest part is knowing that God wants to love on the whole community here. To say the least I am excited for ministry but I am also just as thrilled to love on the local people I live around every day.

I just wanted to talk about family today. Mostly because this is the first week here in a completely different place and my family is half way around the world. I am so blessed to be surrounded by women who are persistently pursuing God’s heart. These girls are my family for the next four months and the rest of my life. For that I am so blessed beyond words to know each one of these women and have them pour into me.

Family is huge for this mission field. We need support and people to build us up and help right our wrongs. We need a sister to braid our hair and remind us how beautiful we are. We need them to ask for prayer and read the bible together. In the same way we need someone who will understand when we need alone time.

Before we all met one another and embarked on this trip, God already planned this. He had each one of us on his mind and brought us together to glorify His name and bring the Kingdom here to earth. For that I am so privileged to be His hands and feet.

For my sister’s: Here is to a whole new world.

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