~~God has messed me up so much this summer. Every time I pray for the women in the Red Light District I find myself praying over the men.
My heart is so drawn and focused on them. The men who are buying and abusing these women are just as broken as the women—if not more.
Something went wrong in their life for them to settle for being less than a true man. Something horrific must have prompted them to damage these women and everyone around them.
I encountered an older gentleman in his 60s who was so wasted that he could barely function. He sat with a beer and a glass of wine. A couple of teammates and I began to pray that he would get up and simply leave the bar, but it never happened. Later as we were leaving, Rebekah smiled at him. He responded with, “why did you smile at me?” She told him the reason she smiled is because he looked unhappy. We sat down with this man and began to listen to the story of his life. He was in Thailand because he lost his job and didn’t know where else to go. His daughter is 21 and pregnant; however this man hates her boyfriend, therefore he doesn’t want anything to do with his own grandbaby. He said that he doesn’t want to even be in Thailand and that all the women and lady boys here are ruined, and he doesn’t want to take part of them anymore. He went on to say that he was lost and alone with no hope. I told him that he is never alone because God is with him. He looked at me and said “yes, I know of Him!” I told him that my team and I would pray for him and that he could have a new life and leave Thailand. No one is ruined and God loves you no matter what you have done. Stop using these women and go love and support your daughter. He just kept saying, “I am lost and it’s not easy to do that. I’m ruined.”
He asked me if he could tell me something and at this point he opened his eyes wide and focused in on me and he said “are you listening to me?!” I assured him that he had my full attention. He told me that men had been staring at me and went on to explain the things they wanted to do to me and that I must be careful. At first I wasn’t upset. I was calm and collected. I’ve had nasty comments made to me many times. Not long after that, we left that bar and went on to the next place that God showed us to go.
As the night went on the more I kept breaking for this man, the more flashbacks came into my head and the more pain I felt. Once we got back to Zion hostel we joined the rest of our team in prayer. We then began to share our experiences of the night. It was then that I lost it… I lost complete control and began to weep. I tried to keep it together but it was overwhelming. I was broken.
As I cried out to my Father, the Holy Spirit revealed so much to me. I have been abused! I have been lost! I have been without hope! I have hurt people around me by trying to cover up my own hurt!
Jesus is redeeming me! And He can do it for that man! He can do it for anyone. He can do it for you.