We spent the last week in Mae Ai, a village in Northern Thailand that borders Myanmar (which, how cool is that in itself?!) and it was absolutely beautiful. Memories of my summer in Eastern Africa came flooding back to me, as once again I was placed in a life of absolute simplicity. I loved it. Every precious son and daughter who lives in that village taught me truly what it means to have a servant’s heart and spurred my passion to serve well. Here’s what I learned on how to SERVE:
S- SURRENDER to whatever He asks of me, even if I don’t see purpose in it.
E- EMBRACE every opportunity. Be fully present and invested.
R- REST and love well out of a place of overflow from Jesus Himself.
V- VALUE each person and situation, knowing God can use it to teach me so much.
E- ENLIGHTEN Literally, bring light to places of darkness. Show the love of Jesus and His hope by serving them.
I’m learning how to lead out of service, with humility and selflessness, just like Jesus. Here’s the deal:
Sometimes it’s really hard, so hard.
But it’s beautiful and worth it.
Below are are few pictures from the village!
On a side note, I wrote this blog days ago and am just getting around to posting it because we just had our midpoint debrief! It was incredible: we rode elephants, went bamboo rafting, went to a movie in the mall here, got thai massages, ate at a sushi bar, and other incredible experiences. It’s so beautiful to me that we can do village life one week and be seated with princes the next, simply because of the God we serve. Tomorrow it’s back to hit ministry and intimacy with Jesus hard for the next three weeks (wow, is that true?!). Keep praying for us, please! He has more for us.
…and I feel led from the Lord to say this: if you are praying about heading out on a passport trip (specifically to Thailand, but really anywhere), press into that! He wants to take you to new places 🙂 and it's beautiful.