
New place. New taste.

 New place. New taste. 

         Unlike the rest of the world, Thailand is not known for it’s amazing coffee. You know what they all drink? Instant. I have become so reliant on coffee. I literally drink it about 2 to 3 times a day. Isn’t that horrible? The strangest part is that most of them are “3 in 1” which means it’s like 75% sugar 14% cream and 10% actual coffee. Starbucks lovers, you need to start thank God, because you are truly blessed. 
         And if its that’s not enough, when that coffee finally makes it through your system and you have to “go” most of the time your running towards the squatty potty. Believe me, the way it sounds is exactly what it is. Don’t get me wrong though, a squatty potty is a lot better than a dirt hole in the ground. But when you have to balance your shoes on either side, while holding your pants away from the “flow” it can get pretty messy pretty fast. Oh! And if i hadn’t told you already, in most places, you get the pleasure of paying to use the toilet. (Thai don’t call it the restroom). And while your paying anywhere from 3 to 5 baht to use the toilet don’t forget to buy toilet paper. Yeah i said it, you have to either bring some with you, buy it or… Well you shake off any access whatever off you. Ha. 
        Did i tell you the Mosquitos here have been sent from the devil himself? Not only are there ones that bite you during the day but somehow they manage to get through screens and covers so that every morning it looks like your legs and arms were attacked by the chicken pox monster while you slept. Don’t let me forget to tell you about the HUGE beetles, moths, and other creepy crawlers. These things are insane, none of them are afraid of you. Most of the time a normal bug would run away before you even get close to it, let alone try and pick it up,… But not here. You can walk right up to a dragonfly, butterfly, or pretty much any other insect and pick it up! It’s crazy. I’ve had many Thai kids throw critters on me. They seem to love watching an American squirm at the sight of a monstrous bug. It’s pretty funny. 
          Besides the instant coffee, squatty potty and gigantic bugs, it’s always a gift from God himself when you get to sleep with a fan. It doesn’t matter how hot it is but if you have a fan at night it’s like heaven on earth. A good nights sleep always makes up for all the cultural differences a missionary must under go. Not too mention the food…
         Rice. Noodles. Rice. Rice. Spicy everything. Did I mention we eat a lot of rice? thank the Lord I like it because we eat it about 2 times a day. But there’s hope! Pretty much every time you eat you get the opportunity to add something to your meal. Thai people are very fond of spicy food. Personally, I’ve always been a big baby when it comes to spicy food.but if you make it past the runny nose, watery eyes, throat on fire feeling, the food is incredible! You start with a pile of rice, add either chicken or pork and then some sort of veggie mixture. Sometimes it’s like a gravy, or a curry, or soup. You never really know what your going to get. So far on this trip I have tried grub, tamberine, fish head, cuttlefish, eel, passion fruit, sticky rice, fresh mango, and plenty of other things i really have no idea what were. But my all time favorite new Thai dish is pad Thai. I can’t wait to learn how to make it. Yumm! 
         Let me just say though…. I love Thailand! If you ever get the chance to travel outside the country I strongly suggest you don’t stay in some fancy hotel. Get out there and experience the people and culture. Get your hands dirty. Step outside your comfort zone and get the whole experience. Even if it takes getting a little pee on your shoe. Haha.

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