
Thailand here we come!

Training Camp. The thing that begins the journey that is the next two months of my life.  A place that means BUILDING a shelter that the 26 members of our team can sleep in.  A place that means huddling together with girls you just met because our shelter did not keep out the cold night air.  It means climbing the side of a mountain in flip flops praying that you don't slip and fall causing a domino effect with the line of people climbing behind you.
But it also means bonding and making memories with my team in ways I couldn't before imagine.  It means surrending everything to God as you give your burdens to him.  It means worshiping in ways you never have before.  I means feeling the spirit move all around you.  It means God using others to speak his words of life into you, and using you to speak speak his words into others. 

God has already been doing so much in these first few days.  God has cast out my fear and anxiety, and replaced them with the peace and boldness of knowing he chose me specifically to go on this trip.  He has a purpose and a plan for each one of us on this trip.  We are God's army and he is going to use us to break the chains in Thailand.  
I am so excited to see what the next two months have planned.  I have a wonderful team of sweet girls that are full of the holy spirit! I cannot wait to grow even closer to each and every one of them. 

Please be praying for us as we begin our three day journey to Thailand tomorrow that includes 3 plane rides, a 12 hour bus ride, and many hours spent sitting in airports. Thailand here we come! 

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