

15 Hours in the Atlanta airport

14 Hour flight to South Korea

2 Hour layover in South Korean airport

1 Hour delayed flight while sitting in airplane

6 Hour flight to Bangkok, Thailand

1 Hour taxi ride to bus station

4 Hours waiting in KFC at bus station

12 Hour overnight bus ride to Phuket, Thailand

1 Hour waiting for ride

½ Hour ride to home for next few months

In case you stopped counting that was 56 ½ hours of travel.

God is good, though, and we were able to arrive safe and sound to SHE Ministry where we will be living and serving for the next four months. I am leading a team of rockstars. They never complained. They never whined. They kept their heads held high and traveled with grace and love. We always joked on the World Race that travel days always brought out the “best” of people. You always get to see their true colors. Well, if that’s true, then this team is going to change the nations. And I firmly believe that. They are Kingdom bringers and I am so excited to see where God takes them while we are here!

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