
We are leaving.. HE is Not!

How do you sum up three and a half months? How do you sum up relationships that mean so much to you? How do you sum up the ways you've seen the Holy Spirit come through in countless ways for you? How do you explain the power? The visions? The love? The brokenness? The joy? The pain? The life?


I've been trying to figure out how to close out this chapter of my life (for now) on here. Thinking, and reading others blog's letting the gears in my head grind out ideas of what to say. I'm starting to realize I need to just take an idea and stick with it. ;p But which one?? God has been so amazing to my team and I; or have my eyes just finally been opened to it? Probably a mixture of both. God has moved in my heart in some incredible ways. I will not be coming home as the same person I left being. But that's a good thing! 


I have been asked several times in the past few days, "How do you feel about going home?" How do I answer that?? I've thought and thought about it but it's a tough one. My heart is so torn. God has given me such a heart for community. For speaking His words to others, for pushing people deeper and deeper with Him. It's hard to think of even going home. Heck! I'm still trying to process the fact that twelve of the coolest women of God, who I am proud to call close friends just left five days ago! And now your asking about me leaving these women (my sisters) that I've been with for three and a half months?!


The only word or closest explanation I could come up with is bittersweet. I'm so excited to see my family and friends don't get me wrong!! And for american food 🙂 lol So on one hand you could say I'm happy. And on the other I'm not at all!! I love this community. I love these women. I love seeing the Holy Spirit move in such big powerful and vivid ways. I love being challenged. 


But it is time to move on, I know it is. I'm stepping into a new season, and I'm excited for it. 🙂 I have no clue where I'll be in a year! And that excites me! God is going to use me in some crazy ways and expect bigs things from me. But that's ok it'll even out because I'm expecting some big things from Him!


Our last few days of ministry have been different then before. In a few hours we'll head out for our last time on Bangla. I cannot wait to see God work in crazy ways! Tomorrow (our last day of ministry) will be spent here, praying, worshiping and interceding. It's going to be so good! What a way to end a trip! We started as worshipers and prayer warriors, watched a harvest, and now get to finish with worship and intercession. 


I can leave knowing that God's power and the changes that have happened will last. We may be leaving but the work will continue. God will continue to change lives, His presence will always be strong here, and the plan He has for this place will continue to unfold. It's coming soon. I'm glad to have been apart.

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