During last night’s worship service, a lot of things were running through my mind. As I was wrestling with them the verse that says, “Be still, and know that I am God” came to my mind so I just sat there and asked God to free me from everything and to just acknowledge Him as God. As He began to clear my mind, I just began to realize how chosen we are. Coming in to this I guess it had hit me here and there, but I just felt the power of the Father in the room last night, knowing that everyone was worshipping Him for who He really is. It was an awesome experience, but it just hit me not only how chosen we are as His children, but it’s not by chance that any of us are just here. He has chosen us to be here, giving us this opportunity to make His name great.
Finishing up the service last night we had a time of prayer over one another and our leaders prayed over us individually as well. It was really mind blowing, but everything that had been on my mind and I had been in prayer about throughout the night was also prayed for over me by one of my team leaders. It was as if my Father was using him to let me know He’d heard me and continued encouraging me that we are chosen, and to understand and know truth so that we may take it to the ends of the earth.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32