
And you will know them by their Fruit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Amanda — “LOVE”

This is a woman on FIRE for the Lord! There is absolutely nothing that holds her back. A passionate child of God is an understatement because everywhere she goes, it erupts out of her. Her love for her savior is so evident in every way – the way she loves others, this team, God’s dearly beloved people, and she loves with a love that is so much bigger than herself. She lives a life of WORSHIP like no one I have ever seen before — never have I ever seen someone with as much zeal to worship her King as Amanda does. She is Captivating. She is cloaked in the DEEP LOVE of the Father and it spills over anywhere she steps. 

Liz — “Joy”
There has not been a moment where I have looked at Liz and she hasn’t been smiling. Her JOY to live each day for her Lord is so contagious! She isn’t just happy – she is overflowing with joy, a joy that is rooted deep in the Spirit. This girl is so in tune with the Holy Spirit, it flows through her like waves in the ocean. It makes her come ALIVE, and she lives in complete abandonment to Him. She is a Powerhouse and is a true manifestation of “the JOY of the Lord is my strength.”

Kali — “Peace”
Kali is the embodiment of a servant of Christ. She will go to any measure to put others before herself. She has a selflessness about her that raises her up above it all. She lives in the peace that is HIM. And she is always ready to share it. Her feet are fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. And she carries this peace everywhere she goes – a quiet, yet BOLD servant of the Lord.

Katie — “Patience”
Katie is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever met. She waits on the Lord with such a patient heart, believing that He WILL come, He WILL deliver. She is listening and obeying and coming into the truth that when you wait on the Lord, He will reveal to you the exact path you should take. Even when she wants to jump ahead and run in front of the Lord trying to plan her own way, she has the strength to step back and say, “not yet. You’ll come. I’ll wait”. And that strength is so admirable.

Ricky — “Kindness”
Ricky is a man walking in FREEDOM. He doesn’t strive to do anything on his own and because of that, he influences people in phenomenal ways. His heart is full of the Lord’s kindness and he seizes every opportunity that he has to share that kindness with God’s children. I have seen Ricky transformed already – he is not the same man I met in the airport two weeks ago. Nothing terrifies him — HE IS FEARLESS.

Jesse — “Goodness”
Oh man…Jesse is one of the wisest men I have ever had the privilege of walking with. This is a man who from the moment he wakes until he falls into bed is drawing into the intimate heart of his Daddy. When he is walking in the manifest presence of the Spirit, he is someone that you can’t help but listen to. His words are soaked in the Lord’s GOODNESS, and as they flow from his heart, goodness penetrates every corner and every crevice. He draws his strength from the goodness of the Lord and it radiates from every fiber of his being.

Kristina — “Faithfulness”
You will know when Kristina is in the room! This girl carries a light with her that draws your attention in such a powerful way that you are so intrigued by how someone can SHINE so brightly. She has a burning desire to please the Lord and she has a fervor to seek truth. She asks questions with no fear because she longs to know, to have more wisdom to stand upon. She carries a shield of faith wherever she goes – and WOW, does she use it. Her faith is propelling her straight into God’s purpose for her life – and it is beautiful!

Michael — “Gentleness”
I have never met an 18-year old with as much knowledge of the Word as Michael has. Every time I look over at him he is either deeply studying the Bible or having a deep theological discussion with one of our team members. It makes me smile every time I see it because he is TRULY in love with the Lord and the living Word of God. And he doesn’t force the truth down anyone’s throat, he doesn’t push it on anyone, but he boasts in the Lord’s goodness with a GENTLENESS that makes you want to turn your ear just to listen.

Seth — “Self-control”
I see Paul when I look at this man of God. He lives a life of “God is more, I am less”. Humility follows him every where he turns. He thinks of himself as nobody apart from Christ, and in that it lifts him up so he is sitting at the throne of God. Seth is one of the strongest men of God that I know, and he has come so far. He has such strength in controlling what thoughts enter his mind, and he takes captive the thoughts that aren’t truth. He looks his flesh straight in the eye and fights and claims his VICTORY in Jesus Christ, in the Spirit of the Living God. 

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