
Sometimes, you just gotta…

Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Jump into the pool at the base of a waterfall.

Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Stand on chairs as a team and declare truth from Jesus.


Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Buy a giant jar of peanut butter in the American grocery store.


Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Chop off all your hair. 😉

Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Cry about things happening back home.


Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Invite European men to your Fourth of July party.


Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Ride Elephants.

Sometimes, you just gotta…

                                Take a three hour nap because you don’t feel well.


Sometimes, you just gotta…

GO FOR IT.  Even when Jesus asks you to do crazy things. Or weird things. Or embarrassing things, or funny, misunderstood, ridiculous, bold, senseless, tough, or any other adjective that could describe what it looks like to bring Kingdom.  We just gotta say “YES, LORD” and step out of the boat.

It’s in those moments that we begin to walk on water, we see miracles, Jesus lets His Kingdom come to earth, and we live stories that are worth telling (and even have an epic soundtrack!).

I want to live like that. I just gotta.





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