Safe in Thailand!

We are excited to announce the team has made it safely to Thailand! Currently, the team is at the ministry base in Bangkok. They will be spending the next few days being immersed in the culture, eating delicious Thai food, combating jet lag, and bringing hope and love to the people of Thailand. Stay tuned for updates from the team! Blessings, The Passport Team 

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Safe in Cambodia!

After a smooth and uneventful travel day, the team has arrived safely in Cambodia.They are already falling in love with the precious babies and are taking the ministry change with stride! They will spend the next few days adjusting to the culture, cuisine, cuddling cute children, and seeking the Father’s heart for their time there.  Even though it was out of our control that the Thailand airport stamped their passports incorrectly, they are finding reassurance in knowing God has been in control of this whole situation. We are excited and expectant for what God is going to do in...

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The Team Takes Thailand!

We are overjoyed to announce, both teams have made it safely to Thailand! They persevered through delayed flights, a missed flight, and 40+ hours of travel! Through everything, the girls kept choosing joy and were able to see God show up in the midst of the craziness! Currently, the teams are at the ministry base in Bangkok, but their bags are not. However, American Airlines was able to locate all 15 bags and will be delivering them tomorrow or Tuesday. In the meantime, they did a load of laundry, purchased hygiene items, and are learning what it’s like to live with a little less....

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Thailand Arrival!

Our Fall 2014 team has officially arrived in Thailand!  On of their leaders, Sara, called around 10:00am this morning and their travel from Atlanta was uneventful and smooth.  Even all of their luggage made it!  The team will spend the coming days getting introduced to their ministry, coming to know the culture, and finding a routine for the months ahead.   They will be getting internet within the week so that they can communicate home and share more about what their days and weeks will look like.  Until then, we wanted to let you know that all is well....

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Safe in the village!

The team has arrived safely in the villages of Thailand!  As you read in their previous blog post, the team split up into two groups and traveled to two different villages for the week. I have been in contact with both of the leaders and they assured me that both groups have arrived at their ministry locations. They are excited to be begin teaching English, working in the schools, and investing in the people of the local hill tribes. Since they are out in the villages, the girls will most likely not have any internet during this time. However, both of the leaders...

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Arrival in Thailand

The summer 2014 team has arrived in Bangkok, Thailand!  As you can tell by the previous blog post, they are enjoying their travels!  It may be 1:00am her on the Eastern Coast of the USA, but it's almost noon in Thailand.  We'll keep you posted as to when they arrive in Chang Mai.   Once there, the team will spend the coming days getting introduced to their ministry, coming to know the culture, and finding a routine for the summer ahead.  They will also be finding internet in the next couple of days so that they can communicate home and share more...

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