I love team finances!!

Schelllooooooo from Thailand!! Or Sahwah dee Kah, as the Thai would say. I love it here. A lot. A whole big lot. I love the people, I love Emmi (the women who runs the ministry we work with), I love the food (minus the preserved mango I got from 7-11 the other day), I love my team, and I love my awesome co-leader, Sierra! Just love love love all around. I even love the privilege I have as a leader of working out the team’s finances, and here’s a little story about why. Yesterday, I sat in a Starbucks with my wonderful fellow leaders, Alys and Sierra, sorting through our...

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Broken but whole. I know, it sounds like a contradiction at first. But this is what God has been showing me since I started on this journey. I need to let God break me, no matter how much it hurts, so that I can truly be whole. I need Him to rid me of myself until I am filled only with Him so that I can pour myself out for the people of Thailand. I want to see these people the way that God sees them. I want my heart to break like God's heart is broken for these people.I know that no matter how heartbroken I feel, it is nothing compared to how God feels. Because He made them....

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I am so good looking.

I am so good looking.   …except here’s the deal:  I’m really not. My ankles are swollen, I showered for the first time in a long time this morning, I am so sweaty, bags under my eyes…and so the list continues. From the world’s perspective, I’ve got a bit of work to do.     At leader training we took time to speak this simple truth into each other:   I am beautiful Because He is beautiful I look like Him And He looks like me.   It took multiple times hearing this in order to receive it, but now I’m claiming it. We made...

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Present Toil, Future Fruit

Present Toil, Future Fruit Written by: Kayla Shannon and Summer Fulcher Have you ever questioned the point in what you’re doing or why the heck you are where you are? Welcome to our lives for the last two weeks. SHE has been undergoing a super transitional phase for the last couple of months. Things have been cray cray. We’ve moved our living location and shifted our ministry from being primarily relational to being mostly manual labor. We felt like everything we’d worked for was slipping away. Instead of pouring out into the lives of others, our sweat was pouring out...

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Big Picture Perspective

Hey friends! Please forgive my long overdue update. It absolutely blows my mind that my time here in Thailand is already half way completed. The weeks and months since I have been here are flying by so quickly and has been full of joy, challenges, laughter, submission, growth, new experiences, and tears of gladness as well as tears of sadness. By reading April’s last post, you know that she unexpectedly returned back to the states in order to be with her family through the death of her grandpa. Within less than 24 hours she was gone and having to face the death of her beloved Paw...

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