Hope in Saying Good Bye

We showed up on Bangla with bracelets and flowers on Thursday night. It was the night that we were supposed to say good bye and I was dreading every bit of it. We put together those bracelets that you make in Sunday school with the colored beads, telling about salvation, for all the girls we had connected with. From bar to bar we gave out white flowers and bracelets. It was as if they couldn't believe someone had made something specifically for them. They didn't ask what the beads meant, but we all knew what they stood for. It was the answer to their freedom. We can only pray and hope...

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Marvelous Beauty

Today (Sunday) was our day off. Like so many of our other days off, we decided to go to the beach. As I was sitting in my chair looking out at the beautiful, sparkling ocean, I realized how numb I've become to looking at God's creation and being amazed by it. It is so crazy to think about, God created it all. He made the rocks, the mountains, the water, the sand, everything. All of the beautiful things that we are able to see everyday, God created them. He made them so we should enjoy them as much as we can. When was the last time that you just sat and marveled at God's creation? "God...

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I Do Believe In Fairies I Do I Do

February 11 2011 God is pleased when we are in His will. He rejoices when we do what He wants. But He does not need our permission and our devotion to do something. Unlike Tinkerbell, he does not need us to believe in Him for him to work “magic.” His believe-o-meter does not measure how much power he has. He can move mountains without us lowly humans getting in the way. But God is a jealous God. He delights in us. How crazy is that? That the God of this universe takes delight in what I do. In what I say. In how I treat those around me. The “bar girls” are tricked into...

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Instant Jesus

It’s funny how I don’t realize how much I like instant and want to see results until I’m not getting results and things instantly.  I also don’t realize how faced paced my life is until it slows down. For example, even a simple thing such as walking, think about it, how quickly do you walk places? For me rarely do I take my time and actually enjoy and pay attention to what is going on around me.  When I walk somewhere I’m on a mission to get from A to B fast. When I wash my clothes at home I don’t have to wait for them to dry because I have a dryer....

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     We have been here for almost a month now.  We are in a routine of things.  Working on the land, childrens ministry, bar ministry.  I look back and think of how fast the time went by.  What did we do?  What did we accomplish?  All i can think is that maybe we cleared a few branches, made some kids happy, and told some women about other options that they didn't seem very interested in.  So can i say what we are doing here is successful?  How can success be measured?  Who can measure it?       It...

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Kids Are Just Sometimes Easier

Last night we got the privilege of helping out with the children’s ministry out back. The joy and bright smiles these kids have pour onto my life and I can’t help but smile. Kids just have such a way of connecting with you. You don’t have to know their language or even know them but they except you anyway. No reservations. I love kids!     These last few days have just been a time of team bonding and getting to know each other. Its crazy that we’ve only been together for a week and a half. A trip like this has such a way of forcing people to get to know...

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