
The devil sent ants of fire.

The devil does all he can to distract God’s children. Attack
after attack has occurred during my preparation for this trip. After arriving
in Atlanta a part of me delusionally believed that those attacks would cease. I
quickly discovered that that was not the case. After a wonderful worship
session the other night, I grabbed my stuff and headed to the girls cabin. I
was so excited to do some journaling, read my Bible, and then fall asleep

I arrive at my bunk bed. And I see ants. LOTS of ants. Kristina and I looked at
them and laughed as we messed up their neat little lines, sending them into
chaos. Then I followed what was left of the line…straight to my backpack…which
contained my clothes.

Great. Fantastic. Juuuuuust wonderful. 

Instead of journaling, instead of reading my Bible, instead
of sleeping, I got to spend the next 45 minutes killing fire ants that chomp
down on your skin like a dog eating a bone. WELCOME TO GEORGIA!

I was frustrated. Annoyed. Confused as to why the ants were
only in my backpack. They weren’t in my sleeping bag. They weren’t in my purse
which contained food. No, they were only in my backpack.

The next morning I put on my pants, went to breakfast, and
got bit several times. The biting ants distracted me from time with my team. I
went to worship. Got bit several times which distracted me from God.

I mean, have you ever tried to worship God with ants in your
pants? I would not wish it on anyone.

The devil will use whatever he can to distract you. In my
case, he used fire ants. They distracted me. Made me annoyed. Made me want to

 “Complaining is to the devil what praise is to God.”

 Despite that attack, I will smile. I will praise God’s name.
I will do so to show the devil that he has NO POWER. So the devil can send
those fire ants but I will squish them with the power that God has graciously
given me. Through that power, the enemy’s attacks will cease. Life is beautiful and GOD IS GOOD.