Let me just start off saying God has the greatest sense of humor ever. This will come up again later, so make sure you don't forget.
This whole trip I've been hoping and praying to experience a healing. Since being here I've been put in several situations where I've prayed for healing.
I prayed for 1 blind woman, 1 mentally insane man, and the cutest sick baby I've ever seen.
And no matter how many words I said, no matter how bad I wanted it to happen, no matter how much I wanted God to show up in this mighty way I never saw it happen.
Not once. Zip, zero, zilch.
Why wasn't God showing up? Why was I praying these words out loud that I believed He could heal this person and I was seeing nothing happen?! Was I not trusting enough? Was I not saying the right words? Do I just not have the spiritual ability to let the Holy Spirit do these things through me?
Then yesterday it happened– and I had no idea.
My teammate Callen and I were on our way to have lunch with some Thai friends, not paying much attention to what was going on around us, just trying to get to our destination on time, with as little distractions as possible (Cue the beginning of God's laughter).
All of a sudden we hear a repetitive 'Sawahdikah!, Sawahdikah!' (Translated: hello!) coming from behind us. We both look behind us to see a battered up older man at a stand still holding a walking stick. He was using hand motions to call us over to him.
Now, anyone who knows me knows I take pride in being on time. I like to get places efficiently and I am not one for pit stops that could cause me to arrive late to my final destination (God's laughter starts up again).
So we reluctantly retrace our steps back to this man and ask him his name and how he is doing. He begins explaining through hand motions and broken English that he had been hit by someone on a motorcycle, and that his leg was hurting him a lot.
Callen and I look at each other at the same time, knowing we should probably leave so as to be as punctual as possible for our lunch date, but realizing that we should probably say a quick prayer for this man before we go.
Now at this point of our trip I have already prayed for so many sick people and seen nothing happen, so naturally this time I just WAS NOT feeling the whole 'healing prayer' thing.
And then Callen tells ME to pray instead of her. Great.
(God is now experiencing side-splitting laughter.)
I quickly pray a prayer of healing knowing full well I have no intention of anything magical coming of this prayer. I even prayed with my eyes wide open, staring at this man's bare feet revealing the wear and tear they've had from a life of wandering.
I pass the prayer to Callen, then we finish up and I am real ready to get out of this seemingly mediocre situation.
We open our eyes (okay maybe mine were already open) and look at the man.
And he has the biggest smile on his face.
Then he begins moving his leg all around.
Then he proceeds to give us repetitive thumbs ups.
And then, because that wasn't enough to make me believe and God knew that, he begins to walk all around without his walking stick!
But what happened next was the most shocking part:
I was not convinced.
I didn't care; it's as if I had not even seen this man doing any of these miraculous things!!
So I tell Callen we should get on our way, I knew there was delicious Thai food waiting for me; this miracle was going to have to wait till after lunch.
We continue on our walk for a few minutes in absolute silence and then it hits me.
I immediately look at her and exclaim, 'HOLY CRAP CALLEN DID WE JUST WATCH THAT MAN GET HEALED?!'
In this scenario God got literally every ounce of glory. I did not care, had no stinkin' idea what was going on, and God still showed up. God showed up even amongst my grumbling, both in words and stomach; even despite my negative attitude, and my seemingly empty words.
'You are good, You are good, when there's NOTHING good in me.'
And why did He choose to do it this way? I have no idea. But what I do know is this man was hurt, and now he is healed. And it is perfect because I can't take credit for any of it.
And this is why I like to think God is laughing and shaking his head, in an 'oh my goodness Han' (God and I are on a nickname basis) kind of way, because you know what–God has an impeccable sense of humor. He is going to work exactly how He wants, when He wants, for whatever reasons He wants.
And I think I am beginning to like it a lot.