This is Hope

It’s funny the things you stumble upon unexpectedly. Well, not really funny, but just really God. A couple of us were walking down the streets of Mae Sai, pretty much smack in the middle of the red-light district, on a prayer walk. I had only done something like this once before, so I felt a little inadequate in going to do this. Do I know what I’m doing? No. Do I know what to pray for? Not really. Oh well! I’ll go anyways. As we started to walk, I began looking around. Kids playing in the dirt…women selling fruit and clothes on the street…a group of men...

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Fishy Fishy

During our time in Chiang Mai we came across the “Fish Tank Spa” All you do, is stick your feet in the water and these little fish come up and eat away the dead skin cells on your feet.  This got me thinking. We all have dead skin on our bodies. Yeah yeah, go ahead and say “ewwww” and make the face…still doesn’t change the fact that we have dead skin. Walk into the skin care section of any store and you will find lotions and exfoliating scrubs to leave your skin healthy and fresh. Now think about this spiritually. How often do we let God exfoliate our...

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Reality vs. The American Dream

Have you ever noticed that most Americans are not flexible? Stuck living a life with no room to change, no room to step outside their daily routine. To live a life set by schedules and time frames is like purposely putting yourself in jail. Why would anyone want to bind their lives by the constant effort in pleasing a society so stuck in their ways? Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. That’s why we as believers are set apart from the world and what it wants to steal from our lives. Yeah, have you ever realized that? The world steals from us every day. It steals a sense...

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life is coming alive…

  Thailand is an incredible place. I love it here, I love the people, the food, but most of all I love that God has a plan for these people and he chose my team and I too help fulfill it. I’m amazed on how the red light district made me hear God more than ever. As we walked up the streets and looked at the women and the lady boys sitting at the bar getting themselves ready for what the night had to offer I felt the complete sense of hopelessness within them. They looked at us like this is it, this is my life. While looking around I saw many many many american men. One of which...

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And you will know them by their Fruit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Amanda — “LOVE” This is a woman on FIRE for the Lord! There is absolutely nothing that holds her back. A passionate child of God is an understatement because everywhere she goes, it erupts out of her. Her love for her savior is so evident in every way – the way she loves others, this team, God’s dearly beloved people, and she loves with a love that is so much bigger than herself. She lives a life of WORSHIP like no one I have...

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More Than Meets The Eye

As I left the bar where John and I had been talking, I realized just how lost men like him are. Coming to a different country to fulfill some need that couldn’t possibly be met by anything but the love of God. How could they think that their actions could possibly quench that deep thirst for a true love? John had been living in Chaing Mai for about three years. He said everything he needed was in this city and he didn’t need to go any other place. But as he spoke to me about moving to Thailand from Australia and loving where he was, you could sense the overwhelming loneliness...

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