important team update.

10:39 am: This will be our last update here, unless something else occurs.  The tsunami alert has been officially lifted, and the team is safe for the night.  We are thanking the Lord for their protection in a scary situation. 9:17 am: Our contacts in Thailand are continuing to watch the threat, but are cautiously optimistic that it has passed. Obviously this is a scary situation, especially for people in the area who remember the devastation of the tsunami in 2004.  The team was not all together when the alert was released, so several of them saw and felt the panic of the moment....

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Jacob’s Story

Everyone should watch this video. "At the root of sexual exploitation is a demand that's driven by men. If we want to systemically change human trafficking at the root, the hearts & desires of men have to be changed."- unearthed

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You know you’re a missionary in Thailand when…

You know you're a missionary in Thailand when… A Gecko poops on your pillow. There is no air conditioning, just fans. There are wild dogs everywhere. You cannot flush your toilet paper… You can’t count how many bug bites you have. Nothing is ‘yours’, everyone shares everything. You have to have a converter to plug stuff in. You can’t read any road signs. There are so many insides jokes, and can’t even think to name them all. 7-Eleven becomes your best friend. Hot ham and cheese sandwiches are your ‘American’...

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Beach day

I got sunburnt yesterday. Hanging out on the beach for 4 hours will do that to you. As crazy, and lovely, as it is, that is what we did for ministry. My Bangla team (Amber, Saraw, and Sabrina) and I met up with Noi and her roommate Roon, who we hadn't met before, and goofed off on the beach for most of the afternoon. The girls bought us food and we stuffed ourselves on pappaya salad (song tom), fresh fruit and veggies, pop, noodles, sticky rice, chips, and chocolate. Amazing. We tought them Uno, took pictures, swam, talked, ate more, swam more, learned some Thai and some Esan language, and...

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You Are My Sunshine

Due to the fact that my middle name is Sunshine I have had multiple people sing "You are my Sunshine" to me throughout my life. "You are my Sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please dont take my sunshine away." Ever since I was young everyone has told me that my name fits me perfectly, because I am so bright and Joyful. Until this week my comprehension of the importance of my name was unknown to me! My team walked down Soi Sea Dragon Monday night and we stopped at a bar to talk...

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Hell’s Enticing Gates

             Bangla Road. Everyone here at S.H.E. refers to it as hell on earth and I wasnt sure what they meant until i too experienced a night out on the town. Before going out to minister to the women who work in the bars on bangla road we spend sometime in worship, had we not of done this the enemy would have walked all over us. Satan attacks us by making sin look enticing… He makes it look fun, pretty, fullfilling, and worth your time. By doing all of this he makes it so much easier to walk straight towards his mangy...

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