Author: Adventures

Living in the “Seriously?”

We take a train seven hours from Bangkok in the dark to arrive to a small village at daybreak. The village is named Krasang and a woman we are partnering with is named Jo. Jo is a mighty woman with a contagious laugh. We bond instantly. I met her a few weeks ago when she came to Samaritan Creations. We went on an adventure to a market to buy material. We prayed for the unbelieving woman who sold us material and a woman who called Jo while we were at the market.   Jo handed me the phone, “Please pray for my sick friend.” (In a thick Thai accent.)   I believe God...

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The Joy That Is Coming

  Salvation was born out of the darkest pain the world has ever seen, the death of my savior, Jesus.  This is hope for humanity, our greatest joy forged out of the darkest pain. The world tries to tell me otherwise, with campaigns that feed my soul the lie that pain will ruin me. That once I’m broken, I can’t be used; but if I run from the pain and brokenness of the world, I will miss the ever-present joy of the Father’s redemption.  This joy is one that I have learned on my knees, face-to-face with the reality of this broken world, face-to-face with the...

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Sweetly Broken.

First of all, I have simply fallen in love with Thailand, the Thai culture and the sweet Thai people. Since we have been here we have gotten to do children’s ministry in a local village, teach English camp and tonight we got to go to the Red Light District of Korat. Children’s ministry and English camp has been so amazing and has made my heart so full but tonight, for the first time, my heart BROKE for the girls we met.   Let me set the scene. We were at a park in the Red Light District. In this park was a festival and a place to worship one of the main idols here in Korat. You could sense...

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The Cold Hard Truth

We had a crazy few days of travel, including delayed flights, one missed flight, and lost bags that just arrived today!!! We have been here 2 full, great days. Our hosts, Mike and Kay, are incredible!! I feel so welcomed and loved. We have met most of the girls who were rescued from the bars and are now working for Samaritan Creations. The day we got here (Sunday) was one of the girl’s first day out of the bar work. This ministry had been building a relationship with her for 2 years and that was the day she decided to leave her past behind and begin a new life. It was incredible being...

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The Team Takes Thailand!

We are overjoyed to announce, both teams have made it safely to Thailand! They persevered through delayed flights, a missed flight, and 40+ hours of travel! Through everything, the girls kept choosing joy and were able to see God show up in the midst of the craziness! Currently, the teams are at the ministry base in Bangkok, but their bags are not. However, American Airlines was able to locate all 15 bags and will be delivering them tomorrow or Tuesday. In the meantime, they did a load of laundry, purchased hygiene items, and are learning what it’s like to live with a little less....

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Letter from the heart of a leader

To my team, my girls, dear sisters in the Lord and daughters of the King, It has been an absolute honor to walk alongside each one of you as you begin the journey toward a life of abundant joy and freedom in the Lord. I truly never anticipated being as blessed by you all as I have been this summer. I responded in obedience to the Lords call to come and lead you all this summer, expecting to lead you all into deeper intimacy and knowledge of the Lord from what I’ve already walked through; however, you all ended up being instruments in the Lords hands used to teach me depths of...

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