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January 26, 2016
We are excited to announce the team has made it safely to Thailand! Currently, the team is at the ministry base in Bangkok. They will be spending the next few days being immersed in the culture, eating delicious Thai food, combating jet lag, and bringing hope and love to the people of Thailand. Stay tuned for updates from the team! Blessings,  The Passport Team 
December 12, 2015
There are certain wisdom’s and understandings that can only be learned in suffering. There are lights that will never seem as radiant as when we are covered in darkness. I know this because I have seen it. I saw it this past month in the eyes of orphan children.   A week ago, I was sitting on the cement floor of the orphanage’s church, surrounded by a group of about twenty-seven children, all orphaned for different reasons. Every one of them has a story that became a reason for their lack of loving family. For one high school boy it’s a story that leads to his mother working the sex industry in Pattaya,Thailand. For another fifth grade girl it’s an unknown mystery of being abandoned at the border of Thailand and Cambodia.   On our last night in Cambodia…
November 23, 2015
Cambodia was amazing.  As we are processing all that God did in and through us there I thought it would only be best to show you some of the highlighted moments of the trip.  Here is our New Hope video.  Enjoy! You are loved, <3 Ash
October 27, 2015
After a smooth and uneventful travel day, the team has arrived safely in Cambodia.They are already falling in love with the precious babies and are taking the ministry change with stride! They will spend the next few days adjusting to the culture, cuisine, cuddling cute children, and seeking the Father’s heart for their time there.  Even though it was out of our control that the Thailand airport stamped their passports incorrectly, they are finding reassurance in knowing God has been in control of this whole situation. We are excited and expectant for what God is going to do in and through the team on this last month of their journey!  There is no wifi at their ministry site, but be on the lookout for updates from the team in the coming week!   Blessings, The Passport D…
October 20, 2015
“Very beautiful, how much?” a rough male voice says…     Walking through the streets of downtown Bangkok shops filled with various types of women. It doesn’t hit me right away that a group of African men sitting five feet from me are trying to negotiate a price to buy me for sex.The shock comes in a delayed way as I see looks of disgust pass over my friend’s face. Fear grips my soul. I’m not for sale. I’m a person. I have a favorite book, hopes & dreams, a loving family, and a story.The bits of personhood that make up who I am become unattached to me the moment someone objectifies my humanity.  In Bangkok, my black skin makes me a more valuable commodity. My Thai friend informs me that I’d go for an average of…
October 14, 2015
While we have been here in Thailand we have been absorbing stories of woman who were once trapped in “BAR LIFE” but have now been set free by Jesus.  They are living, walking, breathing, NEW CREATIONS.   One of the stories we heard was the story of Jo.  Then we actually had the chance to meet her and our lives were changed.   Watch a little part of her story:
September 30, 2015
What happens when one PASSPORT team of 7 girls goes to a village in Thailand for 36 hours, their hearts are changed forever.  Check out the video of the precious people we encountered while at the village.     <3 Ash
September 30, 2015
I can’t believe that we have been in Thailand for a month.   I have been reflecting on the last month and all that God has been teaching us and stretching us while here in Thailand.  It’s crazy how he puts you in a pressure cooker of growth when you go on trips like this one.  As I pondered what God was doing I watched a video we made as a team introducing the girls to the world.  As I watched the video and they answer the questions of what they want God to do while they are here in Thailand.  I am left in amazement as I realize God is fulfilling those things!   It’s crazy how we can look back and see God’s finger prints on our lives.  It’s crazy that even after one month those finger prints are every where!  We are growing individually but also a…
September 28, 2015
Sweetly broken, wholly surrender. // Y’all God is good and I am so excited to share with a sweet story of His redemption. So, my last blog was about the brokenness I saw and felt in the Red Light District. If you haven’t read it yet I would encourage you to do so before reading this blog. It is called “Sweetly Broken.” If you have read it, here is a sweet story of redemption to follow the story of pain that came with our last trip to the Red Light District. As we sat in the tuk-tuk (taxi) I did not experience the heavy feeling I had the previous time, I went into the Red Light District EXPECTANT that God was going to show up and HE DID! When we first got there I could still sense the brokenness and physical see the dirtiness of the place but I did not allow it t…
September 28, 2015
Walking into the bars is hard enough, Having to sit down is horrible. Paying for a girls time with a overpriced cocktail feels wrong. Pretending to enjoy myself, laughing, singing, and smiling is almost impossible. I don’t want to be here… I would rather be anywhere but this place sipping on a Coke and pretending to enjoy watching these girls dance on our table. But then is happens, I see HER. I start to talk to HER. SHE is looking at me. SHE is staring at me. SHE is telling me her story. SHE says where SHE is from, how long SHE has worked here and about her family. SHE tells me I’m beautiful with my white skin and blonde hair. I tell HER that she is gorgeous and she looks away, I can see in her eyes that she is told this daily by many customers but she can’t see it. SHE doesn’t k…


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